Medical Tube Cutting

Medical Tube Cutting

Fortisblades specializes in providing high-quality industrial blades for various machines used for medical tube cutting. With extensive experience in this field, Fortisblades ensures that the industrial blades meet the highest standards of precision, durability and performance.

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What are Medical Tube Cutting Blades?

Tube cutting blades are razor blades used forcutting-to-length medical plastic tubes. These tubes are used in hospital, nursing equipment and healthcare supplies such as IV, catheters, extension lines...

    Advantages of Using Our Medical Tube Cutting Blades

    Damaged Medical Tube

    Improved Medical Tube Edge Quality

    Our Fortis razor blades are sharp and generate minimal friction when slitting, resulting in a clean and precise cut. For medical applications edge quality of the cut of tube is of great importance. Jagged edges can implicate multiple issues in a medical environment.

    Due to the speed of cutting, the blade needs to penetrate the tube and cut through fast and smooth. This way the edge of the medical tube is not compromised by jagged cuts.

    Dust Particle Formation in Plastic Tube Cutting

    Poor slitting can cause dust particles, which are unacceptable for medical applications. Many of these medical tubes are made or assembled in clean rooms, underlining the importance of cutting without generating dust.

    Adhesive Industrial Razorblade Wear

    Increased Blade Lifespan

    The materials used in medical plastic tubes like PE, PP, TPU... when cut over a long term, can induce adhesive wear on the blade edge. Reducing the friction between the material that is cut and the blade also reduces the adhesive wear. This reduction in friction results in an increased blade lifespan and lower operational costs.

    Razor Blades for Cutting Medical Tubes


    High Quality Alloyed Knife Steel

    All our steel razor blades are manufactured from a high quality alloyed steel. Giving them a superior hardness and long lasting sharp edge.

    Friction Reducing Coating

    Our Fortis ceramic coated razor blades offer the distinct quality of generating minimal friction. Rendering them ideal for medical plastic tube cutting.

    Specialized Razor Blade Solutions

    Interested in testing one of our blades in your production? Request a sample of the blades shape and thickness of your choosing and see the difference for yourselves.

    Request Samples

    Consultation for Your Production

    Contact our experts today to improve your blade longevity and lower operating costs.

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